Friday, August 31, 2012

Detox Challenges

 Being away from home for a couple days while detoxing can be a bit of a challenge. I am spending a couple of days with family and planning to stay on track with my detox.

 I did bring a few items along with me but also forgot a few. I have been tempted by meat, and CHEESE CAKE! But having done this detox before I do know that having something like that will cause me great pain! The temptaion is definitely there but the thought of stomach pains because I eat something heavy all of a sudden has worked to keep me from making any big mistakes. I have had a few things not normally eaten during my detox like cheese and dried fruit in a salad but no great harm will be done by those few unauthorized items.

 I do want to stay on track and move into a serious weight loss effort. I have lost 2 lbs. this week and I would like to continue that trend. Those 2 little pounds make such a difference in clothes and comfort so I am looking forward to continuing to shed these extra pounds!

Monday, August 27, 2012


So I started a detox yesterday. I do a vegetarian diet with lots of liquids, fruits and veggies. It usually takes a little getting used to but once I get into the swing of things I really enjoy it.

Now keep in mind I am a hard core carnivore but I am learning that it's not so good for me. There are plenty of other ways to get healthier proteins so that's what I am incorporating into my diet. I will treat meat more like a treat and just have it once in a while instead of every night for dinner. I have really made serious cut backs on daily meat intake already so this shouldn't be too big a change. I do notice that I feel much better when I don't have it frequently.

I also use supplements to aid with the detox. I take a great multi and alfalfa which helps to detox the system, a liver detox, B-Complex for energy, etc. I take a number of supplements on a daily basis to keep me in tip top shape. Some people do use fiber but I don't, just because I am pretty good on regularity.

I am happy to say that I have lost 1.5 lbs in this short time and that's why I have started the detox. I have some pounds to shed and there is no better way to start than with a great detox period.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Loving Our Pets

We all love our pets. My Puppy has been gone for a few years now and not a day goes by that I don't think about her. She was the sweetest dog there ever was. I loved her so much and did anything I could for her. At one point she was actually the baby of the family for many years. And she was definitely treated that way.

Something I never thought about was how the things I used around the house could potentially be dangerous to her or the kids. Of course we all know that things like bleach and amonia are dangerous and to keep them away from pets and chidren. But I wouldn't have thought that the stuff I use to clean my floor may harm my dog if she licked her paws or decided to lick the floor hours after I had cleaned them.

A friend of mine told me that her dog would have seizures and they finally figured out it was from the swiffer mop solution. WOW! I wonder what it does to the baby crawling around on that floor!
I think that it's so sad that products that are supposed to "clean" mostly leave dangerous residue on our floors, counters, high chair trays etc. People with asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue. fibromyalgia, MS and so on and so on are also affected by these dangerous chemicals. Some of these conditions can actually be brought on by these cleaning products.

I was so happy to find products that didn't cause me to have an asthma attack every time I cleaned. And I know when I clean my home my little neices are safe when they come to visit. We must be so careful about what we use to clean our homes. I have included a great video about a family who had a similar experience and what they did to keep their home safe. It's pretty extreme!

If you would like to know about safe household cleaning proucts that work better than the store brands and are far less expensive please let me know.

                                                    "Real clean is good for our families. "

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How Clean Are Your Counters?

How clean are your counters? I mean really. If I wash a piece of fruit and set it on my counter is it still clean? If my little niece is eating at my kitchen table and she sets her food on the table is it safe? Some cleaners I have used in the past leave a residue that is very visible. What is that residue? Do I want that residue on my food? Or on my hands or the hands of the children in my home? No way!

 Having battled with Chronic Fatigue, asthma and allergies and now knowing what some of the ingredients in household "cleaners" actually do I wonder how much those products affected my health. Now I use only the safest household cleaners and personal care products. For me I will never go back. Why on earth would I want to clean my counters or my body with things that can cause cancer, fatigue, mood swings, asthma and so on and so on? I want my counters to be truly clean. I can actually clean my fruit and vegetables with the same stuff I clean my counters with! Now that's safe.

I can honestly say since changing out household products and improving my nutrition and supplementation I am fatigue, asthma and allergy free! I am healthier than I have been in years and I know that my home is safe for all who enter!

If you are interested in a list of products and some of the harmful ingredients in them I am happy to share.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Today I was watching one of those tv channels at the doctors office. It was a segment about child care givers. So sad to see children taking care of their sick parents. I was so struck by this and really felt for these kids. I have had just the tiniest taste of this with my daughter. For quite some time she had to be my helper. It wasn't anything as severe as what these kids were dealing with. I was still able to get things done here and there, run my errands and take care of things in the home. She did have to help me on my bad days though. On the days I spent in bed, couldn't prepare food for us or clean up after myself. I felt so terrible having her do the things for me that I should have been doing for her.

The reason I have to go over these things over and over is so that I don't forget what it was like. I want to always remember how sick I was and how far I have come. I look back and I am so thankful for my health and being able to get out of bed and STAY out of bed. To be able to be out and about without a severe backlash the next day. To be able to help others get and stay healthy is now my mission in life.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Too Busy To Post

 Busy, busy, busy! No posts for a while. I guess in a way it's a good thing. I have really been enjoying my health and getting out doing the things I hadn't been able to do for such a long time.

 I have been so happy to be out and about enjoying my life with my kids and visiting family. It's been so great to be able to spend so much time with friends and family. It's become crystal clear how short time with those important people can be. So many funerals lately, so many scares, so many getting older and getting ready to leave this world. Our lives can change in an instant. Any one of us may not be blessed with another day.

 On those long days with chronic fatigue the worst thing was the feeling of wasted time. I thought my life was just passing me by. It was horrible. And I just couldn't change it. I am so glad that it's over and I can live my life again. If you are suffering I am here to help. If you want to get your life back I am here to help. Don't let another day, week, month or year go by. It's time to enjoy life again!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Best Winter EVER!!!!

Let me just start by saying WOW! What a great winter! Now for those of you who know me you know that winter has got to be my absolute least favorite season, followed closely by summer. I am not one who enjoys extreme weather at all. I Love the warmth of the sun and a cool breeze as much as anyone but fingers freezing off and being burnt to a crisp are not my idea of enjoyable weather. So that being said....THIS HAS BEEN THE BEST WINTER EVER!!!!! It has been so mild that I haven't lost any toes while trying to fight through the frozen tundra of the Wal Mart parking lot to get the necessary supplies for hibernation during the cold dark abyss of winter. I haven't had to entertain the thought of digging out my car only to drive it along with mindless morons traveling at the speed of light through the unplowed streets of anguish! Oh Joy! I have been able to get out and walk. I have been able to enjoy other people relishing in the beautiful weather walking and talking out doors and feeling the sun on my face. Who could ask for a better winter?
 Not only has the weather been great but so has my health! This is the first winter I can remember where I didn't get the much dreaded sinus infection. I didn't have ANY allergy symptoms and my asthma has not made an appearance in many, many months! Wow! A double whammy! Great weather and great health! Woo hoo!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

WOW! What a week!

 Some of you may have read my post earlier in the week about my hike and how amazing it was to be able to do that. In the past I would have paid for a day like that with days in bed recovering. But how amazing is it that not only was I able to have a great time on that hike and not have to recover from it but I also had a super busy week of go, go, go!

 For someone with Chronic Fatigue you CAN NOT go, go, go. Your body just can't take it. There was a time when I forced myself to work out every day for maybe 4 or 5 days and I paid for it dearly. Now keep in mind I wasn't running 5 miles or anything, it was just some walking and light weight training. I was determined to "snap out of it." It took me weeks to recover from that. I suffered quite a bit and thought I can't even get myself out of this hole of inactivity if I try I just dig myself in deeper than where I already am. It was very depressing. Even when I had good days my activy would take it's toll in the days to come. So all that being said just to paint a picture of what my life was like. So you can understand why this little 4 or 5 mile hike is such a big deal to me. Not only did I manage this hike and enjoy myself, I didn't pay for it. I also kept right on going! I still did the duites of the day and then went right on with a super busy week never stopping to pay the piper! I went right on with work, errands and lot's of visiting with friends and family through out the week. All of this was topped off by helping friends move on Saturday. Now of course I wasn't moving furniture or anything but we did move them out of a second floor apartment. So for me up and down stairs and running back and forth is something that I couldn't do when they moved into that apartment. I was so happy to be there and be a part of it. I was walking from my car at one point and just thanked God for the healing in my life. I was almost near tears! To hike and help with a move in one week let alone all of the things I had been able to do through out the week! Wow! This week really has been quite a milestone for me. To realize that I am better, that I don't need to pay for any little enjoyment I get out of life, to paricipate in life! I am blessed! I am so thankful to the people in my life who helped to bring about that healing. I can only hope that I can spread the healing and great health to others the way they did for me.

 If you are struggling with health issues please know that THERE IS HELP and healing out there. I pray that you can find it the way I did and if there is anyway I can help I am here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Hike

Yesterday I went on a hike to an area I love and have not been able to visit in quite some time. The last time I did go I walked just a short distance and had to turn back. With the chronic fatigue, severe joint pain and asthma I was suffering from for the past few years long walks in areas with steep canyons and lots of stairs have been something I wouldn't even contemplate. So now that I am feeling much better and have been taking 2 mile hikes and other long walks I knew this would be within my ability to do. I prepared for the hike by having a balanced breakfast full of vitamins and nutrients along with my daily supplements. On the way out there (it was over an hr ride) I had an Energizing Soy Protein shake. A few hours in I realized all of a sudden that I hadn't packed any snacks, I was burning a lot of calories and was suddenly starving! I was very happy to find a Cinch Snack Bar in my bag. That little bar kept me going the rest of the afternoon until we left. I was able to enjoy the walk, scenery and wonderful company. I am so thankful to have my health back and know that it just keeps improving every single day.
I am looking forward to continuing to hike and improving my health and start planning some wonderful hiking vacations again. A year ago I thought I would never be able to take those kinds of vacations again and now I am feeling like I am on top of the world!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just a pound or 2

How much weight does the average American gain over the holidays? How does this weight gain affect us? I actually lost some weight before the holidays and kept a close eye on my weight gain over the past few weeks. If you're like me you may notice a comfortable pair of pants begin to pinch before you really notice it on the scale. It can be such a small amount of weight that makes you uncomfortable but before you know it you're up a size! What if we managed to only gain a pound or 2 over the holiday season? No big deal right? Here is a great article on holiday weight gain. Take a look.
I have struggled with my weight for the past 20 years or so. I was the kind of kid who could eat ANYTHING and never worry about it, that didn't help me much when that changed and I didn't know how to manage my food and activity. I have been working very hard to relearn how to eat, manage my weight and my health. In the upcoming months I will be using a great system to lose a few pounds and I will also be working with a group of people who are also interested in losing some weight and getting healthy. If you know of someone who is interested, please let me know or put them in touch with me. Together we will succeed!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sharing Hope

 What a great day! Today I shared my Shaklee story in front of people for the first time. It's kind of funny, I would definitely say that I am not a writer but here I am writing a blog and I can say without a doubt that I am not the kind of person who enjoys getting up in front of others for any reason whatsoever and yet there I was today sharing my story. I can say for sure that I am the kind of person wants to help others and if getting up in front of others is the way to do it then so be it. But I wasn't alone and at any Shaklee event there will be no shortage of people who want to share how Shaklee has changed their lives.

 Today along with my story of regained health were ladies who shared stories about weight loss acheived, an infertile couple giving birth, a woman with inexplicable health issues leaving her incapacitated getting completely healthy, women turning 50 and not looking like it ans so on and so on. There are so many stories like these and we all want to share them. I am sure that for any issue that some one may have there is a person who has had that very same issue and conquered it with Shaklee. Don't get me wrong for one minute, I believe that God is the healer of all but I also believe that He gives us ways to take care of ourselves and Shaklee is a powerful tool in keeping oneself healthy or regaining health.

 If you are srtuggling with ANY health issues and are ready to make a change don't hesitate, don't wait another minute to take control of your life and your health and get back on track. YOU CAN DO IT! Here's to your health!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Looking Back

What a great year 2011 was! I hope it was for you too! When it comes to health, wealth and hapiness I dare say I could't have asked for a better year.

 Through the past year I worked very hard to regain my health. I haven't felt this good in years! I am so thankful for that. I used to have many health issues including severe allergies, asthma, severe joint pain, ulcers, reflux, insomnia, chronic fatigue and so on and so on. I have learned quite a bit about health and how nutrition affects our health. I am better for it and so are those around me. I am looking forward to more improvements in my health in the upcoming year.

In 2011 I started a business that is not only helping me reach my financial goals but is helping others to reach their financial goals as well. I must say I don't think that there is any better way to earn a living! I get to spread great health, help others succeed and travel for free (I'm looking forward to 2 all expense paid trips this year!). It doesn't get any better than that!

As far as hapiness goes.... wow! What can I say? We all have our ups and downs and there is just no way of getting around it. What we do have control over is how we react to things. Life, friends, family, work etc. will NEVER be perfect but we must choose joy in all circumstances. Not that I am a pro at this or anything but hey I try. I can honestly say that if I had chosen to focus on the negative in some situations I really would have missed out on some great experiences. I got to spend lots of time with my family and friends this year. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet lots of great new people and help them on their journey to great health. I have also met new people who have helped and influenced me. How blessed am I? I am so inspired by the past year and I know 2012 is going to be amazing!

What are your best memories of 2011? Share them with me in the comments below. =D

Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Beginning

The purpose of this blog was to document my Shaklee challenge. I wanted to have something to look back on that was objective and document as I went through the proccess. I know that I was very skeptical and really wanted to keep track of the products that I tried. I can say with certainty that this challenge is over. I have tried so many of the products and loved every single one! I have stopped taking them at different times just to see what would happen and regreted it every single time, although it was necessary.

I feel like this blog is going to be heading in a new direction. I want to share what I have learned about health and wellness through this blog and just share the ways that Shaklee is changing my life and the lives if those around me. I hope that you will continue to follow me on this very exciting journey.